Amy Moore: Community Builder, Nature-Lover


Fairfield, CT

Massaman Curry

“I got my company to donate $10,000 and my co-workers to spend a day planting 10 trees with Groundwork Bridgeport, a non-profit organization with a mission to bring about the sustained regeneration, improvement, and management of the physical environment. The day we planted trees was beautiful. There’s nothing better than putting your hands in the ground and working with the Earth! 


Before applying to my current job, I read through the company website and saw that it included a sustainability section, in fact it was a corporate value. I thought, Great! I’d love to work for a company that also cares! I was hired and over time appointed to lead the engagement committee for my department. My first idea in the role was to plan a team-building volunteer event in the community. I was inspired by an article in the newspaper showcasing a local business volunteering with Groundwork Bridgeport. Better yet, I had learned of a grant program offered by my employer that employees could apply for in support of a volunteer effort. If you were able to provide a detailed description for a worthy cause and aligned with company values, you had a legitimate chance of receiving funding for the organization of your choice. First I volunteered with Groundwork Bridgeport on my own to get a feel for it and make connections. Then I gathered information from that event, applied for the grant, and was surprisingly awarded! Together we organized a day where my colleagues and some local students could plant trees in an urban park. The day of the event was perfect. The weather was gorgeous and the staff at Groundwork Bridgeport were extremely passionate and knowledgeable. Everyone had a great time enjoying nature for the day and feeling a sense of accomplishment!



If you work for a large company, see what programs they might already be offering. Make sure to read company newsletters and talk to colleagues about programs they have done or heard about. If you have an idea you’d like to present, make sure to package it well for your company. I believe that I got the donation because I provided data from Groundwork Bridgeport that showed how it benefited the earth and the community, and Groundwork’s mission is centered around sustainability, which is a key value for my company.  


I love being outdoors. It’s who I am. I respect the earth and how good it feels to spend time outside. I want to give back what nature gives to us. I grew up going camping along the Housatonic River in Connecticut. Every year, my family camped on the state grounds. My dad would throw kayaks on the car and we’d spend hours on the beautiful river. There is something wonderful about spending the night in a tent and waking up to the birds.”

- As told by Molly Bombonato


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Diana Baker: Community Builder, Sustainability Leader